Epiology products

We all know exercising and keeping our bodies moving is key to a healthy, balanced lifestyle and even better, it can provide great skin benefits too. But whether you’re doing yoga, HIIT, running or playing your favourite sport, workouts can lead to unwanted breakouts if yo...
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Here’s an unfortunate truth: acne is not limited to your face. Other areas of your skin can be prone to breakouts, and many of you will be all too familiar with bacne, a.k.a. back acne, or its close cousin chest acne. While bacne can often be hidden under clothing, the sum...
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Recently hyaluronic acid (HA) has emerged as somewhat of a beauty buzzword, and not without great reason. It might be ridiculously difficult to say (and, let’s be honest, even tougher to spell), but this active ingredient commonly found in your favourite topical serums, ma...
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Our team often talks about the science behind Epiology and its patented natural active ingredient IDP®, which stands for ‘immune defense proteins’. But exactly what is IDP® and how does it work on our skin? Immune defense proteins are produced in nature in milk and act...
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We bet you’ve often wondered what is really happening on your skin; what’s not able to be seen without a microscope, causing skin issues ranging from redness and general irritation to full-blown acne breakouts. Well science knows the answer: it’s all in your skin micro...
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Sometimes the middle of the year feels like it can drag on – it’s not quite yet spring in the southern hemisphere, and it’s still five months until the end of the year. To cure the end of winter blues, we recommend taking some time out for yourself, whether it be 15 mi...
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Dermatologists are noticing a big increase in adult females, particularly women in their 30s, presenting with adult acne, completely debunking the idea that once you’re an adult you don’t need to worry about acne. (reference NY Times article) Doctors don’t yet fully un...
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Skincare TipsSkincare routineEpiology productsMaskneSensitive skinAdult acneSun SkincareThe scienceUnisex skincareAllergiesRecovery MaskWinter skin
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