Adult acne

Here’s an unfortunate truth: acne is not limited to your face. Other areas of your skin can be prone to breakouts, and many of you will be all too familiar with bacne, a.k.a. back acne, or its close cousin chest acne. While bacne can often be hidden under clothing, the sum...
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While it’s easy to ask Google about the basics of acne and how to handle your skincare issues, it’s always best to talk to the professionals. That’s why we recently caught up with leading professional dermatologist Dr Lola Alvarez, who is based in Mexico with clinics i...
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Dermatologists are noticing a big increase in adult females, particularly women in their 30s, presenting with adult acne, completely debunking the idea that once you’re an adult you don’t need to worry about acne. (reference NY Times article) Doctors don’t yet fully un...
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Skincare TipsSkincare routineEpiology productsMaskneSensitive skinAdult acneSun SkincareThe scienceUnisex skincareAllergiesRecovery MaskWinter skin
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